Inspired By Old Age–Aging in America

I wanted to write about aging in America because that is what I am doing. This time in History is one of the best times to be aging in America.  In June, I will be 78 years old and don’t feel that I am finished yet. We have great doctors, great preventive medicine and great treatments. We are living longer and healthier lives and I am thankful for this kind of progress. We seniors have redefined aging. Society has redefined aging.

We now have computers, cell phones, ipods, ipads, etc. etc. etc. We have facebook, twitter, snapchat, etc. etc. etc.  I love that, at our age, we can occupy ourselves without expending a lot of energy or money. I couldn’t have written my book, “Inspired By Autism” without using a computer. I could not write this blog without using a computer. At first, I was computer resistant, but as a teacher in Detroit Public Schools, it was mandated that we learn to use a computer.  Computers were put into all of our classrooms and I discovered that my students knew more about computers that I did. I had to catch up.

In the past almost 80 years, I have seen great progress. I would never have predicted all the advancements. I remember tin tubs and washboards for washing clothes, rotary phones, manual typewriters,  and life before television. I remember when postage stamps were three cents, a loaf of bread was 22 cents, as was a pack of cigarettes. I remember the ice man and the milk man. They made deliveries in horse-drawn vehicles. We had to stay far away from the sidewalk during delivery times. But it seems that what we have made in progress, we have lost in social skills.  I am amazed at the negative people who attack others using social media.

After looking at life from the perspective of old age, I made some decisions about my future.  There is a certain freedom that comes with old age. There are some things that I am leaving behind. I am through with feuding and fighting, stress and mess, and drama and trauma. Many things that used to upset me don’t bother me anymore.  Now I know how to “Let It Go”.  I no longer feel the need to “Pretend” about anything. I am trying to put Positive Energy into the Universe because there is so much negative energy being forced on us. That’s how negative energy is.

Mortality is staring me in the face and I know that death is inevitable but I am not ready to go yet. My husband did not make it to be my age, but I am still here.  Life is still an adventure and I want to enjoy the rest of it. I am still able to travel and see this wonderful world that God has created. I can still go out into the world. When you see all the beautiful lakes, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, you see that God created things that man can not.  When I see these beautiful locations, I am reminded of the saying that “Heaven meets Earth in such a place.” 

I am living a healthier lifestyle (it’s about time) and being wiser about where I expend my energy. Some things are not worth it.  But the Bible and some of our great writers give us tips on how to renew our energy.  Norman Vincent Peale said that “God created us and He can constantly and automatically recreate us”.  The 23rd Psalm says that “He restores my soul”.  Romans 12:2 says “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”.  If we focus on these words of wisdom as we get older, maybe we can extend our time. I am trying to see if this works.

George Burns said, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old”.  Psalm 92:14 says “They will still bear fruit in old age. They will remain fresh and green”.

May you live long and prosper.

Claudreen Jackson



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