A spoonful Of Comfort

My blog is titled “A Spoonful of Comfort” because a spoonful is the bare minimum of something you can give. I hope you will also share things that give you a little comfort.

Remembering Pervis Jackson

Today’s entry is in memory of my husband Pervis Jackson. Pervis was a member of the Spinners singing group, one of the original Motown groups. Pervis and I were married for 40 years, but were not always together. We are the parents of a son who is handicapped by autism, Pervis Jr., so even when we didn’t live together, we were together when it came to our son.

During our years of separation, I could always count on Pervis for financial or emotional help with Pervis Jr (PJ). I had to admit that he wasn’t ALL bad. Eventually, we got back together, but I had to forgive him first. I forgave him. He forgave me. I felt so much better! Forgiveness is a gift for the forgiver, also.

Getting back together was the right move for both of us. Pervis pushed, mentored and encouraged me as I was writing a book about our son, but did not live to see the final product. The book, “Inspired By Autism” came out a year after Pervis died.

Pervis planned to help needy children with disabilities and we wanted to start a fund for that purpose. The Pervis Jackson Jr Autism Foundation was established in his honor and the proceeds from the book will go into the foundation. Pervis was the foundation for the Foundation.

I hope that in Pervis’ honor (whether you knew of him or not) that you will forgive someone who has wronged you (even if they don’t ask)

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, Matthew 6:12.

If you are the one who needs forgiveness, why don’t you give someone  “A spoonful of comfort” by asking their forgiveness. You will feel better, whatever the answer. Can you forgive someone or ask for forgiveness?

Until next time: May the Presence of God watch over you. May the Power of God protect you. May the love of God enfold you.

Claudreen Jackson

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