Do Black Lives Matter?

Do Black Lives Matter? The answer is Yes!

If you are reading this, you already know this. But everybody doesn’t know, so we have to remind them. I agree that All Lives matter. It’s just that all lives aren’t being taken as often or as fast as black lives. I am not talking about the organization, I am talking about the people who could be in danger.

Do black lives matter? The answer is yes and since I have been black for 81 years, I decided to speak about this. I have seen so many things that I don’t want to see that my eyes are hurting. I’ve heard so many things that I don’t want to hear that my ears are hurting. My heart is hurting for what is going on in our country.

Im the parent of a 45 year old son who is handicapped by autism. He cannot read, write or speak, but you can’t tell this by looking at him. He would not respond to directions from the police because he would not understand them. I used to think that police would protect him, but now I have learned better. He looks like there is nothing wrong with him so police would probably consider him as disorderly and rebellious.

He is very well protected and is never out in the streets alone. That is, unless he walks out of the house, which has happened. I was upstairs for five minutes and didn’t realize that he had left the house. He was barefoot and in his pajamas and the police were called. I am thankful that when a lady tried to question him, he came back home on his own. She rang my doorbell to tell me of the incident as she cancelled the call to the police. I could have been one of the mothers crying on TV about how my son did not deserve to die. I am so thankful for the way it turned out.

In the midst of a pandemic and a country full of pain, fear and anguish, we have a void in leadership at the top of the country. However, I still have hope because of the leadership abilities of some of our governors. Some of the governors that I have seen on TV seem to be very competent. Here in Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has done a great job in trying to keep us safe. Even so, she has run into opposition for some of her executive decisions.

I am so proud of Gov.Whitmer. She said that she would not be bullied by opposition because she was focused on the scientific and medical data and was following their directions. At one time, Michigan was one of the hot spots, but we have lowered our numbers. Thanks to our governor and the people of our state for co-operating with the advice from our experts.

Things that are happening now are things that I said could not happen in America, because we are such an advanced country. President Obama wrote about “The Audacity Of Hope”. Do we dare have hope? I say yes.

Romans 8:24-25 says “For we are saved by Hope. But hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man (or woman) seeth, why does he yet hope for. But if we hope for that we seeth not, then we do with patience wait for it.” Let us “Keep Hope Alive”.

Claudreen Jackson

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